Graphics for Vinyl Cutting (Sticker)
Vinyl Stickers are are key part in personalizing many objects. From windows to computers to phones and walls, stickers are a main stream part of accessorizing and decorating.
You task is 4 fold:
Start by researching different types of vinyl stickers and their uses. Provide a document with examples of designs that you might like to replicate. (5pts)
Create a thematic set of vinyl stickers. YOu will need a minimum of 3 stickers. One sticker is purely a design, one is an object and one includes text. Create thumbnails sketches for possible stickers to create. A set of 6 thumbnails sketches is required. (You may sketch multiple themes and than choose to design just one of them.) (10 pts)
3. Create the stickers as vector images in Illustrator. Submit the files as Illustrator files. (15pts)
4. Select one sticker that can be cut for your presentation. (5pts) A presentation needs only to last 1 minute yet it should be more than just "I made a sticker."